The Kimchi Chronicles: The London Years

Jen's slightly less exciting post-Korea life: living, studying and working in London.

Thursday, 11 January 2007

Yes I know, I know. It's been a bloody long time since I updated the story of my life! But since early December, I haven't had time to stop and breathe. The last few weeks of school were manic - every time I turned around, someone was giving me more work! Then it was Christmas and New Years, then last week I started a near-3 week period of English camps.

Currently on my 8th day of camp in a row - one more day then I have a weekend off! - and all this week, it's been 13 hour days. So, a little tiring! But I'll be hanging around Gumi this weekend, so I'll hopefully get you a decent update written then - be warned, it might be a little long! And the camp is fun, so I don't mind it too much. Get to work with a group of other native teachers too, some of whom are my friends, so we laugh a lot.

To tie you over until I do update, I have put new photos on Flickr - from Christmas, and from the last week of camps. The camp photos are public - no need to be my contact - so they can be seen here. There is also a video from the camp for your perusal: our classes had to perform skits this evening, which they had been working on all week. My team finished with a bit of "Lean on Me"...unfortunately, I - who was leading them - started singing too early, and fairly messed the thing up! But it was all a laugh, so we had a good giggle, and the other teachers all joined in and helped us out. So the crazy lady with her back to you, that would be me!

That's it for now, promise there will be more by the end of the weekend. Hope all is well in the lives of my various family and friends! Love to you all xx


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